One case of the left Lower back pain due to the gluteal nerve entrapment | 一例误诊误治的假性腰肌肉扭伤
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One case of the left Lower back pain due to the gluteal nerve entrapment | NZ Auckland Acupuncture
it is easy to make wrong diagnosis and treatment for the Pseudo-lumbar sprain pain he has the lower back pain for 3 weeks, and did some treatments, but still more sharp pain in the left lower back and hip, in generally for the lumbar muscle sprained , it will be recovery in the several days, or 1-2 weeks, so we will think of it for the case. it is important to know which body part is wrong, the different problem use the different treatments, so it will has a good result.
一例误诊误治的假性腰肌肉扭伤 腰扭伤3个星期,仍左腰臀部疼痛,特别是久坐,或从座位上站起时,左腰臀部疼痛特别严重。 我检查发现,他臀部感觉特别敏感,正常是10,他的感觉是20. 臀上皮神经压痛点也特别明显。 我诊断为臀上臂神经并给与治疗。 如果不做感觉和压痛检查,很容易误诊。每一个病人,都要明确诊断,才有合理治疗。
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