There is no doubt that everyone on earth experienced it now and then, some kinds of them are nasty and flagrant such as migraine,cluster headache and tension headache.
Tension headache occurs to anyone who is under phycical or emotional stress. When it happens, it is like a force trying to squeeze your head or trying to get out from our heads, the common area which this may happen are the base of skull,temple(sides) of head and forehead. The western medicine says it is due to over-comtraction of head muscles under long-term stress basing on research.
Cluster headache,which the actual cause is unknown,gives a severe pain around or behind one eye,the eye can become inflamed,watery and red. it can last weeks or months seperated by free-period of months or years. It can happen once ot twice daily if it attacks,each episode lasts for 30-90 mins long, it is so annoying that can awake the patient from sleep. A few potential factors are waiting to be proved to trigger this such as over-activity of parasymthentic nerve system,smoking,alcohol or genetic factors.
Migraine,which is qiute second common type here among female. Stress is considered as the trigger factors,others such as inherition,drop of serotonin,disorder of central nervous system are also discussing. As we may know,it always affects one side,sometimes can be both sides though. The headache can occur once ot twice monthly and each duration can last for 6-8 hours on average. The pain spreads behind eyes and back of head together with nausea and vomiting. The patient would not like to see the bright light or talking a lot.
visit us on 1054 new north road mt albert auckland or phone09-8150518
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