it is an Email which is sent to me by the patient who finished her treatment.

Case 1, lady, 40 years old, has left foot pain for 4 months. She got foot pain while doing garden, severe pain while walking, and especially can not stand while getting up in the morning. Went to see a doctor who gave her painkillers and did an X-ray, and no problems were found, her friend introduced her to see me.

I checked her body, more pressing pain in her foot back, sensitivity in the lateral calf, and more pressing pain in the left lower back. So I think foot pain is caused by sciatica.

I chose HUANTIAO point on the left hip and inserted the needle too deep, then the patient felt needle feeling in all left leg, keeping the needle for 30 minutes and manipulating the needle for 5 minutes. The patient got up, and then walk around the room, she could not feel pain in her left foot. The patient was satisfied with my treatment.

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