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Left arm and hand pain and tingling | hand muscle lost | arm muscle lost | arm and hand weakness

left arm and hand tingling for 1 and half year, can not sleep due to the pain, take more painkillers, still stopping the pain, did 4 MRI, nothing find. did some treatments, no more improvement. two sessions of acupuncture, he feels good, pain relieving lots, sleep is good, no more tablets, keeping acupuncture.

my check finding was, that the left hand and arm muscles were lost, the left hand and arm felt dull, and the left tendon reflex was lower.

what do you think?

what kind of problem?

where is the nerve damage?


My opinions:

we will think it is a nerve injury when you meet the patient who has tingling in the left arm and hand and lost muscle in the hand.

which some parts of the nerves of the arm and hand get injured,  whether is an injury center of the nerve system or peripheral nerves?

the answer should be peripheral nerves because of the lost muscle in the hand.

so we will locate the damaged area, whether it is in the spine cord, the root of the nerves, the brachialis plexus, or the nerves in the upper limb.

from my check, the dull feeling is in the entire left arm, it is a normal feeling in the left chest and neck, so we know the nerve damage is in the C5- T1, it is almost impossible to get lesions in the cervical spine cord and nerves roots, and the reflex disappears, we can confirm it is not the cervical spine cord lesions, it is rare to get the injury only in the roots of C5-T1, and no the C4, and T2.

we know we will think of the brachialis plexus lesions if there are over two nerve injuries in the upper limb, the patient has numbness in the ulnar side of the left hand, triceps loss, and great thenar loss. it indicates he has radial, ulnar, and median nerve injuries, so we think it is the brachialis plexus lesions.

the patient did 4 MRI examinations on the neck, shoulder, back, and arm, and nothing was found, so we do not think it is the cervical vertebrae problem and tumor.

then we will be sure of the location of the lesion, generally, There are three easy nerve entrapment points, which are the scalene muscle point, supraclavicular fossa point, and pectoralis minor point.

Scalene Muscles Model

the scalene muscle point is in the middle of the sternocleidomastoid muscle posterior edge, with more tenderness in the point, and the radiates pain to the arm and hand when I press the point, so he suffered from the brachial plexus entrapment ( scalene muscle point), and it mainly is the entrapment of the superior stem of the brachial plexus, because his motor weakness mainly is in the left hand.

in TCM, we think it is a “Wei syndrome”, because he has muscle loss in his left arm and hand and left arm and hand weakness, so it belongs to the “qi and blood deficiency, Malnutrition of meridians”, then we will choose the YANG MING meridians points, such as Hegu, Waiguan, Shousanli, and Jianyu.

because he has severe tingling in the left arm, so I think that his deficiency and Malnutrition are due to the entrapment of meridians. I will choose “the activates meridians method”, except I use the Yang-ming points, I will use the bloodletting cupping in the “Tianchuang point”

the patient feels much better, with no more pain at night, so sleep is very well, the power of  the fingers is better too after two sessions of the bloodletting cupping in the “Tianchuang point”

keeping my treatments, I will tell you the result after 6 sessions of treatments.

Thanks reading!

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