A case shoulder pain is helped by acupuncture and cupping

By Dr Win Huang

Mr Tony 50 yrs, pain in left shoulder for two weeks. Sleeping is not good, because of the shoulder pain, especially turning over on the bed, the pain radiated to the left chest, so first, he thinks that the pain in the chest and shoulder is due to a heart problem, going to see the specialist in heart, the ECG and the ultrasound is normal. going to massage for the pain, no useful. taking painkillers regularly, pain relieving, but still can not sleep, so his friend introduces me to him to acupuncture.

Firstly I give him an examination, and he feels painful on up back (left), with no limited movement of the left shoulder, and no pressing pain in the shoulder, so I think that the pain in the left shoulder and chest is due to left up back muscle, is not the shoulder joint. So I give him acupuncture on the hand point (he gu), then let him move his shoulder, last give moving cupping on left up back, and putting the cup on the back for 10 minutes.

The next day he come to see me, tell me that he feels very well, pain relieving a lot, sleeping is better than before, it is his best sleeping in two weeks, so I give him as some as yesterday. See photo second treatment.

Generally, shoulder pain is due to local tissue around the shoulder joints, such as shoulder inflammation, shoulder injury, shoulder sprain, and bursa inflammation, but more shoulder pain is due to non-local problems, such as neck problems, heart problems, or nerve pain. So the case of shoulder pain is due to up back muscle problem. He feels very good after treatment on up back.

So different shoulder pain use different acupuncture, we can get good treatment effect. All shoulder pain uses one way of acupuncture, for some patients we will get a bad result. Wish our all patients can get the correct acupuncture method.

i will do acupuncture for the patient for about two or three sessions, then I will tell the result of the treatment.

I have done acupuncture for 31 yrs, I got a doctoral degree in acupuncture from a Chinese university in 1995, and I had acupuncture work experience in a big hospital in China, and I have the Chinese medicine clinic in Mt Albert Auckland NZ from 2002, so if you would like to choose an acupuncturist to fix your problem, please come to my clinic, you will have an excellent choice.

If you would like to make an appointment please call us on (09) 5296185, or if you require more information you may e-mail us at hwenchuan@sina.com

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