DEPRESSION Has your life spiralled out of control, and you can’t handle it any longer? According to results study from Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, depression responds really well to acupuncture. You can expect some improvement within two weeks from starting your acupuncture treatment. Do you feel “not right” to be dependant on antidepressants? Are […]
> View article Rhys Walker ★★★★★ in the last week Dr Win provided fast excellent relief for my back pain (arthritis of sacroiliac joint), through acupuncture and cupping. I would use his services again in future if the need arises.
> View article ★★★★★ in the last week I have been seeing dr win for the last month for an extremely painful back where I was taking a cocktail of medication. He was highly recommended from a friend who had sent many people already – all with good results With in the first week the pain was […]
> View article Joanne Wong Tung ★★★★★ in the last week My husband has been seeing Dr Win twice a week for the last 3 weeks as he was experiencing sharp pain on the right side of his face. Diagnosed with Trigeminal Neuralgia he was in so much pain. Medication did not help. Surgery was an option […]
> View article Mark Henderson 1 review ★★★★★ in the last week I have had very successful acupuncture treatment for sciatic pain in the distant past but only from traditional chinese medicine practitioners. Dr Win is one of these. I would definitely recommend Dr Win for acupuncture treatment. For me, pain has disappeared in only 2 sessions.
> View article1 in 3 adults has high blood pressure according to the WHO (World Health Organization) . This is a worrying percentage for two reasons: One, because as we have seen many people suffer from it. Second because many of them are unaware that they are hypertensive. Being hypertensive and not taking measures to control it […]
> View articleCrohn’s disease Also called: ileitis Crohn’s disease can sometimes cause life-threatening complications. Crohn’s disease can cause abdominal pain, diarrhoea, weight loss, anaemia and fatigue. Some people may be symptom-free most of their lives, while others can have severe chronic symptoms that never go away. Crohn’s disease cannot be cured. Medications such as steroids and immunosuppressants […]
> View article,174.7095376,17z/data=!4m7!3m6!1s0x6d0d4876f68e5bb1:0xe27fdbb9b23fb32c!8m2!3d-36.888221!4d174.7117316!9m1!1b1 Highly recommend Dr Win to anyone By Warren Betts ★★★★★ in the last week After 13 years of lower back pain from excessive weight lifting accident. Dr. Win fixed my back completely with his extraordinary acupuncture techniques within a month. He fixed my knee medial ligament tear and tennis elbow as well ! I […]
> View article by Hana Brázdová ★★★★★ in the last week 20 years with pain in my heels and already after one visit Dr. Win I could feel different. The treatment little bit hurts but it is worth it. Also my second visit I got treatment for hay fever and I can say my sneezing and running […]
> View articleShare a case of [rare strange disease] with friends By Dr Win Acupuncture Clinic I received one call from a lady, who asked me if I could treat her strange disease,got the positive answer that could be tried, made an appointment and come to see me. Patient,European,35 years old,suffering from paroxysmal dizziness,nausea for 26 years. […]
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