Neck and Shoulder Pain Special Offers Phone number 098150518
Neck and Shoulder Pain Special Offers Phone number 098150518
Suit any age and most type of the neck and shoulder pain
Terms and conditions:
1: Treatment for 3 weeks,3 times a week,total 9 treatments
2: Must not stop in half way of the treatment
3:Half price for None ACC treatments,normal price is $80/treatment,so 50% off for None ACC treatments
4:After the 9 treatments,if symptom still persist ,free for an other 5 treatments
5: You may require to be our reference for the achievements for our clinic
For further information,please visit our web site : www.drwin.co.nz
make an appointment by email(drwinacupuncture@gmail.com) or cellphone(0211793736) or call clinic(098150518)